Welcome to Storytime

This app demos a voice-controlled storytelling chatbot. It will start with the bot asking you what kind of story you'd like to hear (e.g. a fairy tale, a mystery, etc.). After each scene, the bot will pause to ask for your input. Direct the story any way you choose!

该应用程序演示了一个语音控制的讲故事聊天机器人。首先,机器人会询问您想听什么类型的故事(例如童话故事、悬疑故事等)。 每个场景结束后,机器人都会暂停以询问您的输入。随心所欲地讲述故事!

For best results, try in a quiet environment! (为了获得最佳效果,请在安静的环境中尝试!)

This demo expires after 5 minutes. (该演示将在 5 分钟后过期。)